Why I Still Haven't Moved to Google+

There are a simple few things that are stopping me from moving to Google+. The first is the main one that everyone finds, their friends aren't there. However I am happy to overlook this because it do see Google+ as the better social network. So what is stopping me then? well I like to come up with excuses for why not, like everyone does, and the other problem I have with Google+ is that my truthful age that I told them (16), means I am unable to join or create hangouts on mobile, which is a feature I would really like to use.

EDIT: Google has changed this and I can now join and create hangouts from my phone.

So, what other big events would make me shift over my social networking? well there do happen to be a few exceptions where I would switch to Google+ anyway, these are:

  1. When I buy a pair of Google's Glass
  2. The second major thing that would make me shift, would be if I went to work at Google, however unrealistic the chances, I do hope to apply there in another 8 months. If I was accepted, I would definitely be using Google+.

So summing up, Google+ is a great network, but right now, barely any of my friends are on it, and there are a few little annoyances stopping me from switching my social network over.

Benjamin Kaiser

Benjamin Kaiser

Software Engineer working on the SharePoint team at Microsoft. I'm passionate about open source, slurpees, and Jesus.
Gold Coast, Australia

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