Why I Moved to i3 from wmii

This is just a short post to sum up why I have recently moved from to . In short it came down to these reasons:

  1. wmii is not
  2. wmii has a couple of bugs that really annoy me, and won't be fixed (see 1)
  3. i3 has a responsive and helpful community (mailing list activity
  4. i3 is easy to modify (config is simpler) and feels more well-built (less hacky)

My original concern about i3 was how it handled multiple monitors, it treats each screen as a workspace, this allows them to properly deal with attaching and removing monitors (and they do actually have a pretty good point). However I loved the fact that when I moved to a workspace it moved both monitors into that workspace, while still keeping them separate for windows I open. What was the problem with this? I felt constricted to 10 (0-9) screens worth of space. But after making some modifications (see and here
I have known for a long time that i3 was supposed to be the fix for wmii (it's like wmiii with 3 i's, hence i3), and so now I am finally moving to what I see is the future for tiling window managers (ignoring auto layout tiling window managers such as awesome and xmonad).