A week ago I installed PA (). I unfortunately had to leave the rom due to a bug affecting Wifi AP functionality on the N7000 (Galaxy Note), but I fell in love with the wallpapers. Since my move back to a different rom (currently on CarbonRom), I have wanted these wallpapers really bad but could not find a link to them anywhere on the internet. Then tonight I had the idea of looking through the source repositories to see if I could find them there, sure enough there was a repository dedicated to the PA wallpapers
Here is a link to a zip folder of the entire collection
[](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yF0_UoDyKTw/UbhL_UXbaYI/AAAAAAAAC1g/bni0POL09rE/s1600/wallpaper_3.jpg) |
City Djungle - My personal favourite and current background |
[](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-v9CSK8NcpuI/UbhMB-9egbI/AAAAAAAAC1w/NmwFervC7cg/s1600/wallpaper_4.jpg) |
Singing Bird |
[](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-n-KE5sb_lEc/UbhMC9W5DDI/AAAAAAAAC14/Ql5Uo1_8vSo/s1600/wallpaper_5.jpg) |
Juggling Monsters |
[](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-byBCIdKeJOY/UbhME7XSrTI/AAAAAAAAC2Q/AyasVjbqK0I/s1600/wallpaper_8.jpg) |
Fallen Cookies |
[](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Hu1ojmb9S-Y/UbhL8PIV5lI/AAAAAAAAC1Q/2cANrWTGbls/s1600/wallpaper_0.jpg) |
The Girl |
[](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cdXZJdcR52E/UbhL-1vcN4I/AAAAAAAAC1Y/tW0OvfGuH0s/s1600/wallpaper_1.jpg) |
Nothing is Real |
[](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Gz6YVCjhmGk/UbhL_n8jaiI/AAAAAAAAC1k/JlDBAJPL60M/s1600/wallpaper_2.jpg) |
El Goog |
[](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2ZfCP4VXvi4/UbhMDCYk1TI/AAAAAAAAC18/R6Z8dk7VI9c/s1600/wallpaper_6.jpg) |
Rocket Launcher |
[](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CUZqvsC0EKg/UbhMEPtPsKI/AAAAAAAAC2I/CdPxhMwkx1s/s1600/wallpaper_7.jpg) |
Pet Sematary |
Software Engineer working on the SharePoint team at Microsoft.
I'm passionate about open source, slurpees, and Jesus.
Gold Coast, Australia