I'm excited to share an application I've recently published called "Australian Spelling". It feels silly that as Australians, when our children use a device to practice their spelling, the words are read out using an American accent. So, I decided to create an app that solves this problem. The Australian Spelling app is now available on both iOS and Android, and it's perfect for anyone looking to improve their spelling skills and communicate more effectively in Australian English.
In this blog post, I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the app and share some of its features. I'm passionate about creating tools that can make a difference in people's lives, and I believe that the Australian Spelling app can do just that. Whether you're a native Australian or just looking to improve your spelling in a new dialect, I hope you find this app helpful. So, let's dive into some of the features and benefits of the Australian Spelling app!

Pre-made Lists
One of the key features of Australian Spelling is the built-in spelling lists for Prep to Grade 6. Each grade level has 10 pre-made lists that include words and sentences to help you practice at different levels. These lists are perfect for students or anyone looking to improve their spelling skills.
With Australian Spelling's built-in spelling lists, you don't have to spend time searching for words to practice or creating your own lists. Just select your grade level and choose a list to get started. It's that easy!
Custom Lists
In addition to the built-in spelling lists, Australian Spelling also allows you to create your own custom lists. This means you can practice spelling words that are specific to your needs, such as your class weekly spelling list or words that you've misspelled in the past.
Creating a custom list is easy. You can copy and paste words from another app, such as an email or online, directly into Australian Spelling. This saves you time and allows you to quickly create a list of words to practice.
Another way to create custom lists is by taking a photo of a printed spelling list. This is a great option if you have a printed list of words, such as from a teacher or a textbook. Simply take a photo of the list using your phone's camera, and Australian Spelling will automatically convert the words into a list that you can practice.
With the ability to create custom lists, Australian Spelling offers a flexible and personalised approach to spelling practice. You can focus on the words that matter most to you and practice them at your own pace.
Other Helpful Features
In addition to the built-in spelling lists and the ability to create custom lists, Australian Spelling offers a few other helpful features to make your spelling practice more effective.
One such feature is the ability to view past results. This allows you to track your progress over time and see how you're improving. You can view your past results for each list and each test, so you can see which words you've mastered and which ones you still need to work on.
Another feature is the in-test feedback. When you get a word incorrect during a test, Australian Spelling will show you the correct spelling and provide you with feedback on why you got it wrong. This allows you to learn from your mistakes and improve your spelling skills.
Overall, Australian Spelling is a comprehensive spelling app that offers a range of features to help you improve your spelling skills. From the built-in spelling lists to the ability to create custom lists, and the in-test feedback to the ability to view past results, Australian Spelling is a great tool for anyone looking to improve their spelling. Go ahead and download it on the iOS App Store or Google Play.